Instant answers to our most commonly received questions

Are you a British company?

Yes, we are. Our warehouses, offices, stock and staff are all located in South Yorkshire

When will I receive my order?

Most goods will be received the next working day, but we are at the mercy of the couriers. You can read all about how our shipping works here

I think my payment didn’t go through, can you help?

Yes, just click here

Which oil do I need to use with my engine or machine?

Everything we sell uses 10w/30 Mineral Oil

I can’t wire up my electric start engine, what should I do?

You might be following to use the wiring diagram in the engine manual, please try using our simple diagrams here. If that doesn’t get you up and running, get in touch and we’ll guide you

I was expecting free delivery, but a delivery charge was added at the checkout?

You can read more about delivery surcharges here

Do you ship internationally?

We can ship worldwide, just follow the instructions here and a member of staff will assist you

What is the shaft rotation on your engines?

Unless stated otherwise, our engines turn counter clockwise when viewed from the shaft side

Can I collect in person from your warehouse?

You can, but you must contact us first on 01226 741863

Where is my VAT receipt?

All your documentation will be inside a plastic wallet along with the user manual